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In­ver­sa­go was work­ing to­ward a po­ten­tial 2024 IPO, but No­vo’s in­ter­est won out. CB1 biotechs hope to ride the wave

Be­fore We­govy drug­mak­er No­vo Nordisk swept in to buy In­ver­sa­go Phar­ma for up to $1.075 bil­lion ear­li­er this month, the small Cana­di­an biotech had been work­ing to­ward a po­ten­tial ini­tial pub­lic of­fer­ing for next year.

But Big Phar­ma’s in­ter­est in In­ver­sa­go surged, which came as no sur­prise with No­vo and Eli Lil­ly’s pock­ets grow­ing deep­er thanks to the overnight spike in de­mand for their weight loss and di­a­betes drugs that have pop­u­lat­ed head­lines every­where. Lil­ly it­self bought an obe­si­ty and meta­bol­ic biotech ear­li­er this sum­mer, scoop­ing up Ver­sa­nis Bio, a start­up look­ing to res­ur­rect a No­var­tis as­set.

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