Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen, Novo Nordisk CEO (Christopher Goodney/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

No­vo Nordisk tem­pers ex­pec­ta­tions for hefty M&A deals as di­a­betes, obe­si­ty sales soar

As No­vo Nordisk counts a surge in sales, thanks in large part to its obe­si­ty and di­a­betes fran­chis­es, the Dan­ish drug­mak­er has its check­book out for deals. Just don’t hold your breath for any big M&A moves.

For the first nine months of 2023, No­vo Nordisk re­port­ed DKK 166.398 bil­lion (more than $26 bil­lion) in net sales, a 29% growth com­pared to the same pe­ri­od last year. Obe­si­ty care, in par­tic­u­lar, grew by 167% to DKK 30.4 bil­lion — con­tribut­ing to over­all growth in di­a­betes and obe­si­ty care of 36% to DKK 153.8 bil­lion.

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