Nu­cle­us Ra­dio­Phar­ma makes Art­bio’s ra­dio­phar­ma as­sets; Mi­naris man­u­fac­tures blue­bird’s Lyf­ge­nia 

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CD­MO Nu­cle­us Ra­dio­Phar­ma is part­ner­ing with clin­i­cal-stage com­pa­ny Art­bio to man­u­fac­ture its ra­dio­phar­ma ther­a­py AB001, which is in Phase 1 and 2 tri­als for prostate can­cer, ac­cord­ing to a Tues­day an­nounce­ment. Nu­cle­us will make Art­bio’s lead-ra­di­o­la­beled ther­a­pies in Rochester, MN, and use Art­bio’s tech­nol­o­gy, dubbed Al­phaDi­rect, to iso­late lead from raw ma­te­ri­als.

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