A Genentech AI researcher (Credit: Genentech)

Nvidia signs deal with Genen­tech to pair drug­mak­er's ma­chine learn­ing with chip sup­pli­er's tech

Roche’s Genen­tech unit and Nvidia, the su­per­com­put­ing hard­ware pow­er­house, have signed a mul­ti-year deal to speed up the phar­ma’s R&D work by us­ing ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence, the com­pa­nies said Tues­day.

The part­ner­ship is the lat­est step in Genen­tech’s grow­ing AI am­bi­tions, led by Aviv Regev, the biotech’s head of re­search and ear­ly de­vel­op­ment. Genen­tech es­tab­lished a com­pu­ta­tion­al sci­ences team ear­li­er this year that has grown to about 400 full-time em­ploy­ees. That group in­cludes Pre­scient De­sign, an AI biotech start­up based in New York that Genen­tech bought in 2021.

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