Elina Onitskansky, Ilant Health founder

Obe­si­ty treat­ment start­up Ilant Health launch­es with $3M

Ilant Health, the lat­est in a crowd­ed mar­ket of weight loss treat­ment, launched on Tues­day with $3 mil­lion raised to work with em­ploy­ers and in­sur­ers to per­son­al­ize obe­si­ty treat­ment.

Ilant works with health plans and em­ploy­ers to iden­ti­fy mem­bers or em­ploy­ees who are like­ly to have obe­si­ty, then de­ter­mines a treat­ment plan that might work for them, in­clud­ing nu­tri­tion, med­i­cine (in­clud­ing GLP-1 med­ica­tions), men­tal health vis­its and bariatric surgery. Af­ter pa­tients reach a tar­get weight, Ilant helps pa­tients sta­bi­lize it. The health plans and em­ploy­ers pay Ilant for the mem­bers who use the plat­form.

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