Jennifer O'Dwyer, Harrison and Star CEO, and Liz Kane, chief strategy officer

Om­ni­com Health agency Har­ri­son and Star goes back to sci­ence roots with new lead­ers and new pur­pose

Har­ri­son and Star, an al­most 40-year-old phar­ma and health agency, is get­ting back to its sci­ence roots un­der its new­er lead­er­ship.

The re­newed fo­cus on sci­en­tif­ic med­ical ex­per­tise al­so in­cludes adopt­ing a new pur­pose and plat­form around “hu­man­iz­ing/sci­ence,” which al­so mir­rors its agency short­hand name H/S.

Re­fo­cus­ing on its high sci­ence roots “is not a new thing, but with any agency that’s been around over decades, the pen­du­lum swings a bit,” CEO Jen­nifer O’Dwyer told End­points News. “When I came in, I saw an op­por­tu­ni­ty to re­set and maybe re­frame what we stand for and make sure the agency has clar­i­ty on where we’re head­ed.”

Endpoints News

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