Once charged with speed­ing up Eli Lil­ly’s slow-mo R&D group, Anne White is hand­ed the reins at Lil­ly On­col­o­gy

Eli Lil­ly has tapped one of its se­nior R&D ex­ecs to take the top job in charge of Lil­ly On­col­o­gy.

The phar­ma gi­ant an­nounced that Anne White — who’s been play­ing a high-lev­el role in an at­tempt to cut drug de­vel­op­ment times — is tak­ing the reins from Sue Ma­ho­ny, who’s com­plet­ing her planned re­tire­ment from the com­pa­ny to­day. 

White has been in charge of “next-gen” re­search at Lil­ly, a post that has giv­en her a spot­light role as Eli Lil­ly lays claim to greater R&D ef­fi­cien­cy. Af­ter a no­to­ri­ous­ly long drought in the clin­ic, the com­pa­ny has im­proved con­sid­er­ably on that score in the last few years. But it’s rep for a go-slow ap­proach to drug de­vel­op­ment is deeply en­trenched. Even Lil­ly’s new R&D chief — Dan Skovron­sky — has point­ed to his frus­tra­tion with the com­pa­ny’s fre­quent last-place fin­ish­es in com­pet­i­tive R&D are­nas and the need for much greater speed.

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