On­col­o­gy dom­i­nates a 'Cam­bri­an ex­plo­sion' in Chi­na's drug pipeline as McK­in­sey gu­ru bets on a burst of in­no­va­tion

As the first wave of Chi­na’s home­grown new med­i­cines be­gins to reach the mar­ket — from Chi-Med’s fruquin­tinib to Jun­shi’s tori­pal­imab — they have al­so ap­peared to set the scene for the dom­i­na­tion of on­col­o­gy drugs in the bio­phar­ma pipeline.

In a post cap­tur­ing Chi­nese bio­phar­ma’s “Cam­bri­an Ex­plo­sion” — a ref­er­ence to the ge­o­log­i­cal time pe­ri­od that marked a dra­mat­ic burst of evo­lu­tion­ary changes in life on Earth, cour­tesy of WuXi AppTec’s Steve Yang — Frank Le Deu, head of Chi­na health­care at McK­in­sey, high­light­ed a clas­sic herd ef­fect:

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