Bing Yuan, OnCusp Therapeutics CEO

An­oth­er day, an­oth­er ADC: On­Cusp se­cures $100M Se­ries A from No­vo, Or­biMed and oth­ers to run PhI tri­al

The an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate news keeps flow­ing: On­Cusp Ther­a­peu­tics is the lat­est to join the are­na with an over­sub­scribed $100 mil­lion Se­ries A un­veiled Thurs­day morn­ing.

The start­up, found­ed in 2021, adds to the rush of AD­Cs in re­cent years as the bio­phar­ma in­dus­try races to in­no­vate on the decades-old tech­nol­o­gy, which seeks to cre­ate a fanci­er, more pre­cise and safer ver­sion of chemother­a­py.

And like many of the deals that have been an­nounced in this space in re­cent quar­ters, On­Cusp has roots in both the US and Chi­na, where Big Phar­mas have turned to again and again for pacts with re­gion­al biotechs MediLink, Du­al­i­ty­Bio, Han­soh, Sys­tIm­mune and oth­ers. On­Cusp is based in New York and has an of­fice in Shang­hai, ac­cord­ing to its web­site.

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