Carl Gordon, OrbiMed managing partner

Or­biMed rais­es $4.3B across three funds to in­vest in biotech com­pa­nies, as well as roy­al­ty deals and Chi­na star­tups

Or­biMed said Tues­day it has raised over $4.3 bil­lion across three new funds to in­vest in pub­lic and pri­vate biotechs amid a lengthy mar­ket down­turn.

The New York-based hedge fund is one of the world’s largest health­care in­vestors, with about $18 bil­lion in as­sets un­der man­age­ment. It took a lit­tle over a year to raise these three new funds: Or­biMed Pri­vate In­vest­ments IX, Or­biMed Asia Part­ners V, and Or­biMed Roy­al­ty & Cred­it Op­por­tu­ni­ties IV. Or­biMed’s part­ners told End­points News these new funds will like­ly sup­port at least 75 com­pa­nies over­all, as it sees many op­por­tu­ni­ties in a bear­ish mar­ket.

Endpoints News

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