Or­p­hazyme runs in­to an­oth­er set­back as Eu­rope ap­pears un­like­ly to ap­prove its FDA-re­ject­ed drug

The hits just keep on com­ing for Or­p­hazyme.

Less than a month af­ter its lat­est CEO an­nounced he will de­part in April for an­oth­er Dan­ish com­pa­ny, Or­p­hazyme re­port­ed Wednes­day af­ter­noon that the EMA is un­like­ly to ap­prove its ap­pli­ca­tion for a rare ge­net­ic con­di­tion known as Nie­mann-Pick dis­ease Type C. The biotech said it re­ceived a no­tice from CHMP in­di­cat­ing it will vote neg­a­tive­ly de­spite what it claimed was pos­i­tive feed­back.

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