Ot­su­ka jumps in­to the US biotech M&A game, bag­ging Vis­ter­ra in $430M buy­out

Af­ter rais­ing a bit more than $117 mil­lion from some blue chip back­ers like the Bill & Melin­da Gates Foun­da­tion, Ver­tex and Flag­ship, Waltham, MA-based Vis­ter­ra has agreed to a $430 mil­lion buy­out deal, join­ing Japan’s Ot­su­ka as a sub­sidiary.

Vis­ter­ra and its an­ti­body plat­form — all about bind­ing to epi­topes — will now re­main in op­er­a­tion un­der Ot­su­ka, which joins a grow­ing group of Japan­ese com­pa­nies with a big pres­ence in the Boston hub.

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