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Ot­su­ka spon­sors Ken Burn­s' PBS youth and men­tal ill­ness doc­u­men­tary to dri­ve aware­ness and dis­pel stig­ma

The new Ken Burns PBS doc­u­men­tary “Hid­ing in Plain Sight” was de­layed by the Covid pan­dem­ic, but the doc­u­men­tary about young peo­ple and men­tal health spon­sored by Ot­su­ka and de­but­ing now is more rel­e­vant than ever.

Anec­do­tal and sta­tis­ti­cal ev­i­dence point to a ris­ing men­tal health cri­sis among many de­mo­graph­ic groups, and par­tic­u­lar­ly among teens and young adults.

HHS and the US Sur­geon Gen­er­al is­sued a rare pub­lic health ad­vi­so­ry on the wors­en­ing men­tal health of young peo­ple late last year. They point­ed to na­tion­al stud­ies show­ing “alarm­ing in­creas­es” in men­tal health is­sues even be­fore the pan­dem­ic, and ex­ac­er­bat­ed by pan­dem­ic ef­fects on school, so­cial, health­care and fi­nan­cial is­sues.

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