Jeff Aronin (Paragon Biosciences via YouTube)

Paragon's Har­mo­ny Bio­sciences brings in $330M of debt cap­i­tal and eq­ui­ty, look­ing to ex­pand nar­colep­sy drug la­bel

Jeff Aronin’s Har­mo­ny Bio­sciences is ring­ing in a new fi­nanc­ing agree­ment, one that’s bring­ing in hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars.

The Ply­mouth Meet­ing, PA-based biotech has signed a deal with New York in­vest­ment firm Black­stone worth $330 mil­lion, Har­mo­ny an­nounced Tues­day morn­ing as it up­dat­ed in­vestors about its sec­ond quar­ter earn­ings. Funds will come in the form of $300 mil­lion of debt cap­i­tal and $30 mil­lion eq­ui­ty in­vest­ment, the com­pa­ny said.

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