Paratek's top an­tibi­ot­ic fails to clear a key com­pet­i­tive hur­dle in head-to-head stud­ies

It’s rarely a good day when tri­al da­ta comes back and one of the on­ly things you can say about the re­sults is that they told you what not to do.

But when Paratek Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ CEO looked over the top line re­sults from two stud­ies eval­u­at­ing their Nuzyra an­tibi­ot­ic as a treat­ment for uri­nary tract in­fec­tions, there was lit­tle else he could say. That and praise the tri­al de­sign.

Al­though Nuzyra showed com­pa­ra­ble rates of “clin­i­cal ben­e­fit” to ex­ist­ing an­tibi­otics, it had a less pow­er­ful ef­fect on the mi­cro­bi­o­log­i­cal re­sponse – a key in­di­ca­tor of whether an in­fec­tion will re­turn. And that’s where an­a­lysts point­ed to a cru­cial miss.

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