Park­er col­lab­o­ra­tor Tes­sa al­lies with St. Jude, launch­es a new T cell pro­gram for pe­di­atric brain can­cer

Af­ter pick­ing up some high-pro­file al­lies at the Park­er In­sti­tute, where top sci­en­tists have be­come en­am­ored with its virus-spe­cif­ic ap­proach to de­vel­op­ing new can­cer cell ther­a­pies, Sin­ga­pore-based Tes­sa Ther­a­peu­tics is launch­ing a new de­vel­op­ment pro­gram for brain can­cer in the US.

In a tie-up with St. Jude Chil­dren’s, Tes­sa will use its plat­form tech to de­vel­op a mul­ti-anti­gen strat­e­gy for high-grade gliomas, start­ing with the kids at the hos­pi­tal. 

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