Pascal Soriot, AstraZeneca CEO (Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Pas­cal So­ri­ot’s been push­ing for US-sized CEO pay for more than a decade. Now he’s fi­nal­ly get­ting it

Back in 2013, Pas­cal So­ri­ot’s first full year at the helm of a tot­ter­ing As­traZeneca, he land­ed a pay pack­age worth about $5.5 mil­lion. By phar­ma CEO stan­dards, it wasn’t much. And he like­ly wasn’t cheer­ful about the num­ber.

Un­like just about every PR-con­scious CEO in the in­dus­try, So­ri­ot has from time to time voiced his dis­plea­sure about his pay, risk­ing the in­evitable grum­bling that would come from every­one else in the com­pa­ny mak­ing far, far less.

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