Path to the top: What kind of ex­pe­ri­ence does it take to get tapped for the helm of a biotech?

We all know the nar­ra­tive by now: One by one, Big Phar­ma ex­ecs are mi­grat­ing to biotech in search of a high­er lev­el of fo­cus, more di­rect im­pact, nim­bler op­er­at­ing struc­ture and eq­ui­ty. But is that anec­do­tal, or a quan­tifi­able trend? What else is no­table about this new gen­er­a­tion of biotech ex­ecs?

Help­ing sketch that pic­ture, Coul­ter Part­ners, a life sci­ences ex­ec­u­tive re­cruit­ment firm based in Lon­don, sift­ed through 50 of its re­cent biotech CEO ap­point­ments be­tween Eu­rope and the US and of­fered a glance of the col­lec­tive pro­file of this group.

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