Patrick Soon-Shiong (AP IMAGES)

Four years af­ter 'moon­shot' launch, Patrick Soon-Sh­iong has a big re­veal: a sin­gle pa­tient

Biotechs don’t typ­i­cal­ly un­veil clin­i­cal da­ta at the JP Mor­gan con­fer­ence; it’s a gath­er­ing re­served for both the cel­e­bra­tion and con­struc­tion of deals, af­ter all. But for Patrick Soon-Sh­iong, Nan­tK­west chair­man and CEO, it’s be­fit­ting.

Soon-Sh­iong, the in­ven­tor of Abrax­ane and con­tro­ver­sial biotech bil­lion­aire, took the podi­um at JPM 2016 to launch a four-year moon­shot to “sub­due can­cer by the start of the next decade.”

Now that 2020 is here, Nan­tK­west is putting forth some new ev­i­dence for what it’s call­ing the “can­cer break­through 2020”: one com­plete re­sponse in the ex­pand­ed ac­cess por­tion of a Phase I tri­al.

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