Nick Arab, Pattern Bioscience CEO

Pat­tern Bio­science rais­es $28.7M Se­ries C for faster, more ef­fi­cient an­tibi­ot­ic re­sis­tance test

The team at Pat­tern Bio­science is work­ing on a test that can di­ag­nose drug-re­sis­tant bac­te­r­i­al in­fec­tions and iden­ti­fy ef­fec­tive an­tibi­otics with­in hours, far faster than the days it can take for tests based on cul­tures, the cur­rent stan­dard of care.

They’re start­ing out with hos­pi­tal­ized pa­tients with pneu­mo­nia, and thanks to a $28.7 mil­lion Se­ries C fi­nanc­ing round, Pat­tern says it can fin­ish de­vel­op­ment of the test, con­duct val­i­da­tion stud­ies and even­tu­al­ly sub­mit to the FDA for re­view.

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