Paul Biondi, BMS

Paul Bion­di is jump­ing from Bris­tol-My­ers to the elite team man­ag­ing Flag­ship's star­tups — with new­co plans of his own

Now we know what it took to lure Paul Bion­di from the se­nior ex­ec­u­tive crew at Bris­tol-My­ers af­ter a 17-year stint topped by a lengthy stretch as the phar­ma gi­ant’s top deal­mak­er.

Bion­di is jump­ing to Flag­ship Pi­o­neer­ing as an ex­ec­u­tive part­ner, join­ing an elite ex­ec­u­tive crew that in­cludes David Ep­stein and John Mendlein, af­ter Flag­ship chief Noubar Afeyan wooed him to a new po­si­tion spawn­ing new biotechs and help­ing its grow­ing port­fo­lio of com­pa­nies to do their own deals.

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