Peer Re­view: Plot­ting US moves, Zealand Phar­ma poach­es Al­ny­lam's Em­manuel Du­lac as new CEO

Con­clud­ing a four-month search for Britt Meel­by Jensen’s re­place­ment, Zealand Phar­ma has wooed top Al­ny­lam ex­ec Em­manuel Du­lac to take the helm as its new CEO.

Du­lac’s most re­cent role was chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer at Al­ny­lam, where he was brought in to build a glob­al com­mer­cial in­fra­struc­ture in two years be­fore the biotech notched a long-await­ed ap­proval for its ground­break­ing RNAi med­i­cine.

That job took him to Basel, Switzer­land, with fre­quent trips to the Boston area. Adding that to his pre­vi­ous stints at No­var­tis and Shire as well as board seat at Pro­teosta­sis, Du­lac brings years of ex­pe­ri­ence work­ing in both Eu­rope and North Amer­i­ca.

All that will come in handy as Copen­hagen-based Zealand puts a foot down in the US. A Nas­daq biotech class of 2017, Zealand has a pipeline of pep­tide-based med­i­cines that it’s push­ing in or­phan or rare in­di­ca­tions.

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