Peter Hecht, Cyclerion CEO

Pe­ter Hecht’s $81M pledge to sal­vage Cy­cle­ri­on as­sets nabs Po­laris sup­port

Pe­ter Hecht and his crew are ready to re­veal the name be­hind their new start­up and dis­close the iden­ti­ty of an­oth­er VC in­vestor be­hind their pre­vi­ous­ly dis­closed $81 mil­lion Se­ries A.

The new biotech, Tisen­to Ther­a­peu­tics, said Mon­day that Po­laris is part of the syn­di­cate be­hind its bid to re­vive a mid-stage rare dis­ease as­set out of Cy­cle­ri­on Ther­a­peu­tics. Po­laris, a blue-chip life sci­ences firm that has al­so backed Cy­cle­ri­on, joins Tisen­to’s syn­di­cate of In­vus, Hecht him­self, Sanofi Ven­tures, Ven­rock, J. Wood Cap­i­tal and oth­er un­named in­vestors that were first un­veiled in May.

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