Pfiz­er clos­es sites in New Jer­sey, North Car­oli­na as it ex­e­cutes plan for $3.5B in cost cuts

Pfiz­er is mak­ing staff cuts across the coun­try and clos­ing a hand­ful of sites, fol­low­ing its an­nounce­ment ear­li­er this month that it planned to take $3.5 bil­lion out of its costs this year and next.

The clo­sures in­clude two fa­cil­i­ties in North Car­oli­na: the Kit Creek fa­cil­i­ty in Mor­risville and the clin­i­cal man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­i­ty in Durham, the com­pa­ny con­firmed. Its two largest fa­cil­i­ties in the state, in San­ford and in Rocky Mount, will con­tin­ue op­er­at­ing.

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