Pfiz­er dou­bles down on Sang­amo’s zinc fin­ger tech, adding ALS to a mix of gene ther­a­py al­liances

What­ev­er Pfiz­er $PFE has learned about Sang­amo $SG­MO and its zinc fin­ger pro­tein tech­nol­o­gy for gene ther­a­pies in the 8 months since it signed off on a $545 mil­lion part­ner­ship on he­mo­phil­ia A seems to have on­ly en­cour­aged the phar­ma gi­ant to go deep­er — this time ex­pand­ing in­to neu­rol­o­gy.

This morn­ing the two com­pa­nies an­nounced plans to col­lab­o­rate on a new pro­gram for ALS, tar­get­ing mu­ta­tions of the C9ORF72 gene.

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