Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO (Matthew Busch/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

With Covid rev­enues falling, Pfiz­er lays out growth plans and pos­si­ble cost cuts

As the Pfiz­er be­he­moth con­tin­ues chug­ging along post-pan­dem­ic, the drug­mak­er is start­ing to clar­i­fy how its Covid-19 prof­its will turn in­to fu­ture growth.

For the first time Tues­day morn­ing, Pfiz­er broke down de­tailed growth ex­pec­ta­tions from its slew of ac­qui­si­tions made over the last year and a half. By 2030, Pfiz­er set a goal for at least $10 bil­lion in Seagen-re­lat­ed rev­enue. It ex­pects an­oth­er $10.5 bil­lion out of its deals for Bio­haven, Are­na, Glob­al Blood Ther­a­peu­tics and Re­Vi­ral.

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