Pfiz­er, Mer­ck KGaA re­port their lat­est set­back with check­point con­tender Baven­cio

Mer­ck KGaA and their part­ners at Pfiz­er have an­oth­er big set­back to re­port for their PD-L1 check­point drug Baven­cio.

The check­point ei­ther alone or in com­bi­na­tion with chemother­a­py failed to hit ei­ther the over­all sur­vival or pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival end­points in their Phase III JAVELIN Ovar­i­an 200 study for drug-re­sis­tant ovar­i­an can­cer. The news comes 9 months af­ter re­searchers al­so re­port­ed a fail for their check­point on sec­ond-line lung can­cer, lead­ing some an­a­lysts to con­clude that their big Baven­cio pro­gram was look­ing like a run­ner-up in the in­tense­ly com­pet­i­tive field.

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