Credit: BBC StoryWorks via YouTube

Glob­al threat of an­tibi­ot­ic re­sis­tance high­light­ed in new film sup­port­ed by Pfiz­er, MSD, Sh­iono­gi and AMR Ac­tion Fund

A new film about a glob­al dis­ease threat lays out dire sce­nar­ios that echo Hol­ly­wood dis­as­ter movie plot­lines. An­timi­cro­bial re­sis­tance (AMR), how­ev­er, is very re­al — and the film de­but­ing on Tues­day tracks the glob­al sci­en­tif­ic race to stop it.

“Race Against Re­sis­tance: The Life and Death Strug­gle to Save An­tibi­otics,” fund­ed by Pfiz­er, Sh­iono­gi, MSD and the AMR Ac­tion Fund, tracks the strug­gle to solve “one of the most sig­nif­i­cant ex­is­ten­tial threats to hu­man­i­ty,” as one re­searcher says in the film’s trail­er.

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