Scoop: Pfiz­er once again takes out the bud­get ax, lop­ping off 150 R&D staffers and 5 pre­clin­i­cal biosim­i­lar drugs

Pfiz­er is tak­ing the ax to its pre­clin­i­cal R&D group for biosim­i­lars in a move de­signed to end — at least for now — any new ex­pan­sion of the pipeline for knock­offs.

Af­ter mes­sages be­gan to pop up on so­cial me­dia from staffers get­ting the ax, a Pfiz­er spokesper­son con­firmed to me that the com­pa­ny is cut­ting 150 staffers at 2 sites, in Lake For­est, IL and Chen­nai, In­dia and end­ing de­vel­op­ment of 5 pre­clin­i­cal pro­grams.

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