Pfiz­er picks GLP-1 tablet win­ner: Danuglipron for PhI­II

Pfiz­er chief Mikael Dol­sten told an­a­lysts last month that the Big Phar­ma would “cher­ry-pick the win­ner” be­tween its two mid-stage oral GLP-1s. The drug­mak­er has now done so, say­ing Mon­day that it’s go­ing with danuglipron over lotiglipron.

The choice puts the Big Phar­ma in the multi­bil­lion-dol­lar race to bring the next GLP-1 to mar­ket. Pfiz­er is well be­hind No­vo Nordisk and Eli Lil­ly, both of which start­ed with in­jecta­bles and are near­ing the fin­ish line with oral ver­sions of their drugs as well, which work by curb­ing ap­petite.

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