Pfiz­er reshuf­fles, split­ting in­to three busi­ness units

Just one day af­ter Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump ha­rangued Pfiz­er CEO Ian Read in­to de­lay­ing its drug pric­ing hikes, the phar­ma gi­ant has an­nounced it’s split­ting up in­to three busi­ness units: in­no­v­a­tive med­i­cines, es­tab­lished med­i­cines, and con­sumer health­care.

Un­der the in­no­v­a­tive meds group fall Pfiz­er’s biosim­i­lars and the hos­pi­tal busi­ness unit, which in­cludes an­ti-in­fec­tives and ster­ile in­jecta­bles. Es­tab­lished med­i­cines will in­clude the ma­jor­i­ty of Pfiz­er’s off-patent brands, like Vi­a­gra and Lyri­ca. Then there’s the con­sumer health­care unit, which will in­clude the com­pa­ny’s over-the-counter med­i­cines. But that one may soon be on the chop­ping block.

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