Pfiz­er RSV da­ta set up $10B show­down with GSK and Mod­er­na for the next big vac­cine mar­ket

The first-ever RSV vac­cines are inch­ing clos­er to re­al­i­ty in what in­dus­try ex­ec­u­tives and an­a­lysts an­tic­i­pate as the start of the next block­buster vac­cine race that could form a $10 bil­lion-plus mar­ket.

On Wednes­day, Pfiz­er pub­lished two pa­pers in the New Eng­land Jour­nal of Med­i­cine de­tail­ing pos­i­tive late-stage study re­sults. An FDA de­ci­sion on the shot is ex­pect­ed in May, along with a rul­ing on com­peti­tor GSK’s vac­cine. Mod­er­na’s prod­uct, still in tri­als, could com­pete late this year or ear­ly next.

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