Pfiz­er says peni­cillin in­jec­tion may soon be in short sup­ply

Pfiz­er has no­ti­fied the FDA that there may be an im­pend­ing short­age of peni­cillin, cit­ing an in­crease in syphilis in­fec­tions and oth­er short­ages.

In a let­ter post­ed to the FDA’s web­site and dat­ed Mon­day, the phar­ma said there is “lim­it­ed sup­ply” and an “im­pend­ing stock out sit­u­a­tion” for pre­filled Bi­cillin L-A and Bi­cillin C-R sy­ringes, which are al­so used to treat pneu­mo­nia, strep throat and oth­er bac­te­r­i­al in­fec­tions. To al­le­vi­ate the pos­si­ble short­age, Pfiz­er said it’s pri­or­i­tiz­ing the pro­duc­tion of Bi­cillin L-A pre­filled sy­ringes, ac­cord­ing to a Pfiz­er spokesper­son.

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