Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO (Michael Nagle/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Pfiz­er shelves five mid- and ear­ly-stage pro­grams

Pfiz­er is culling a hand­ful of clin­i­cal pro­grams, in­clud­ing tri­als in can­cer and der­ma­tol­ogy, it an­nounced Tues­day.

The cuts in­clude two Phase II pro­grams, one a top­i­cal PDE4 in­hibitor (PF-07038124) for pso­ri­a­sis and atopic der­mati­tis, and an­oth­er (PF-06730512) in fo­cal seg­men­tal glomeru­loscle­ro­sis, a con­di­tion that can lead to kid­ney fail­ure. It has al­so de­cid­ed to squash three Phase I pro­grams, two of which tar­get­ed non-small cell lung can­cer and an­oth­er in de­vel­op­ment against sol­id tu­mors.

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