The Cannes Lions pharma and health & wellness award panels are now named and ready for June judging.

Phar­ma and health­care judges named for Cannes Li­ons ad­ver­tis­ing cre­ativ­i­ty awards

The Cannes Li­ons an­nu­al cel­e­bra­tion of the world’s best ad­ver­tis­ing an­nounced its judg­ing pan­els on Thurs­day, in­clud­ing those for phar­ma and health & well­ness.

Ten ad­ver­tis­ing ex­ec­u­tives will sit on the phar­ma board, in­clud­ing three based in the US, while an­oth­er 10 were list­ed for the health & well­ness pan­el. Among the phar­ma judges, led by pre­vi­ous­ly-an­nounced ju­ry pres­i­dent Joshua Prince, CEO of Om­ni­com Health Group, are Tim Jones, chief cre­ative of­fi­cer at Grey Health & Well­ness and Wayne Best, chief cre­ative of­fi­cer at VM­LY&R New York.

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