A trea­sure trove of new leads on drug tar­gets and bio­mark­ers has been un­cov­ered in a huge pro­teomics study

A mas­sive re­search col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween 13 phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies and the UK Biobank has un­cov­ered a trove of new leads for drug tar­gets and di­ag­nos­tic bio­mark­ers, re­veal­ing thou­sands of pre­vi­ous­ly un­known as­so­ci­a­tions with com­mon ge­net­ic vari­ants and pro­teins cir­cu­lat­ing in the blood.

The work, known as the Phar­ma Pro­teomics Project, has the po­ten­tial to start un­veil­ing the caus­es of many com­mon con­di­tions. It builds on two decades of work on the role of ge­net­ics in dis­ease, pair­ing ex­ist­ing ge­net­ic da­ta with new analy­ses of about 2,900 blood pro­teins from 54,000 peo­ple.

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