Phar­mas spend mil­lions on di­a­betes ad­ver­tis­ing, but few pa­tients can re­call brand names — sur­vey

While many Big Phar­ma di­a­betes brands spend mil­lions of dol­lars on TV ads every year, most peo­ple with type 2 di­a­betes don’t rec­og­nize spe­cif­ic drug brand names, ac­cord­ing to a new study.

No brand gar­nered more than 30% recog­ni­tion in Phree­sia Life Sci­ence’s lat­est in-of­fice pa­tient sur­vey of more than 4,000 adults with type 2 di­a­betes. Eli Lil­ly’s Trulic­i­ty topped the list as the most rec­og­nized brand with 29% of those sur­veyed re­call­ing it, fol­lowed by Boehringer In­gel­heim and Lil­ly’s Jar­diance at 27% and Mer­ck’s Janu­via and No­vo Nordisk ty­ing for the third spot with 24%. Mean­while, 76% of the pa­tients sur­veyed were fa­mil­iar with the gener­ic treat­ment met­formin.

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