Janet Woodcock and Joshua Sharfstein (AP, Images)

Poll: Should Joshua Sharf­stein or Janet Wood­cock lead the FDA from here?

It’s time for a new FDA com­mis­sion­er to come on board, a rite of pas­sage for Joe Biden’s ad­min­is­tra­tion that should help seal the new pres­i­dent’s rep on seek­ing out the ex­perts to lead the gov­ern­ment over the next 4 years.

As of now, the com­pe­ti­tion for the top job ap­pears to have nar­rowed down to 2 peo­ple: The long­time CDER chief Janet Wood­cock and Joshua Sharf­stein, the for­mer prin­ci­pal deputy at the FDA un­der Peg­gy Ham­burg. Both were ap­point­ed by Barack Oba­ma.

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