Prax­is Pre­ci­sion Med­i­cines launch­es with $100M and bold sights on long-eva­sive neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­or­ders

It’s go­ing to be the era of neu­ro­science, Roche CEO Bill An­der­son de­clared on stage at the JP Mor­gan Health­care Con­fer­ence in Jan­u­ary. The field, he said, had “the po­ten­tial to be in the ‘20s what on­col­o­gy was for the last decade.”

Five months in­to that decade, a new biotech is emerg­ing from stealth mode with large in­vest­ments from Black­stone and two drugs al­ready in Phase II, one of them near­ing a piv­otal tri­al. Called Prax­is Pre­ci­sion Med­i­cines, since 2016 it’s raised $100 mil­lion — with No­vo Hold­ings, Vi­da Ven­tures and Even­tide al­so chip­ping in — to back a bet that, by find­ing the un­der­ly­ing cause of rare neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­eases, they could find and treat mech­a­nisms be­hind more com­mon ones.

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