Prax­is stock tanks af­ter mid-stage move­ment dis­or­der tri­al miss

Prax­is Pre­ci­sion Med­i­cines has missed its goal in a Phase IIb tri­al af­ter rolling out pos­i­tive Phase IIa re­sults last year.

The CNS-fo­cused biotech an­nounced Fri­day morn­ing that the mid-stage tri­al did not reach sta­tis­ti­cal sig­nif­i­cance in the study’s pri­ma­ry end­point. The Phase IIb tri­al, ex­am­in­ing drug can­di­date PRAX-944 in pa­tients with a con­di­tion called es­sen­tial tremor, showed the drug in­duced an av­er­age 3.01-point re­duc­tion from base­line in a dai­ly liv­ing ac­tiv­i­ty score, com­pared to a 1.44-point re­duc­tion from place­bo af­ter eight weeks.

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