Prax­is touts topline da­ta for epilep­sy drug in first of four read­outs

In Jan­u­ary, Prax­is priced a $150 mil­lion pub­lic stock of­fer­ing and promised four da­ta read­outs. And on Tues­day morn­ing, the first topline da­ta dropped in a small up­date from its Phase 2a study in pho­to-sen­si­tive epilep­sy pa­tients, with the com­pa­ny say­ing that the da­ta are pos­i­tive enough to move its drug in­to fo­cal epilep­sy.

The study mea­sured elec­troen­cephalo­gram sig­na­tures (elec­tri­cal ac­tiv­i­ty) in the brain af­ter in­ter­mit­tent phot­ic stim­u­la­tion, a type of vi­su­al stim­u­la­tion, which is used as an in­di­ca­tor of an­ti-seizure ef­fi­ca­cy.

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