Price hikes, a strate­gic re­treat and 1 big new ap­proval has shak­en up the rank­ings of the 20 most ex­pen­sive drugs on the plan­et

It’s been just 4 months since GoodRx re­leased its new­ly ex­pand­ed list of the 20 most ex­pen­sive drugs on the plan­et, and there have al­ready been some big changes.

Thanks to drug­mak­ers’ abil­i­ty to set their US price at what the mar­ket will bear when they have a mo­nop­oly, no mat­ter how con­tro­ver­sial, sev­er­al of the most promi­nent com­pa­nies on the list — a group that cov­ers Big Phar­ma, biotech and some fi­nan­cial­ly stressed spe­cial­ists — man­aged to move up on the rank­ing based on a high­er whole­sale price, ac­cord­ing to a list main­tained by GoodRx

We’ll note quick­ly that whole­sale month­ly costs are the tick­et price used to dick­er with drug pay­ers, and don’t rep­re­sent the av­er­age cost. They are al­so the on­ly prices that are post­ed.

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