Publicis Health's Dave Nussbaum and Larry Mickelberg are shepherding the agency's new data analytics and insight platform Insagic.

Pub­li­cis Health aims to sort phar­ma mar­ket­ing da­ta with new ad­vi­so­ry and in­sights busi­ness

The health­care and me­dia dig­i­tal ex­plo­sion of the past few years has re­sult­ed in phar­ma mar­keters be­ing in­un­dat­ed with plen­ty of da­ta — but some­times not enough in­sights. Pub­li­cis Health is launch­ing a new phar­ma-fo­cused prac­tice to help change that.

Called In­sag­ic, the new busi­ness’ goal is to make pa­tient and physi­cian da­ta ac­tion­able. While that may sound straight­for­ward, In­sag­ic’s list of ca­pa­bil­i­ties is broad, in­clud­ing ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence-as­sist­ed doc­tor and pa­tient an­a­lyt­ics, au­di­ence seg­men­ta­tion and dis­cov­ery, ad­vanced tar­get­ing, per­sua­sion mod­el­ing, in­ter­ven­tion de­sign and out­comes op­ti­miza­tion.

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