Pub­li­cis Health set­tles opi­oid law­suit

Pub­li­cis Health is clos­ing the door on a three-year opi­oid mar­ket­ing law­suit, pay­ing a to­tal of $343 mil­lion to set­tle the suit.

The ad agency is pay­ing $160 mil­lion, with the re­main­der cov­ered by Pub­li­cis Health in­sur­ers. The to­tal pay­out will be di­vid­ed among all 50 at­tor­neys gen­er­al, the Dis­trict of Co­lum­bia and sev­er­al US ter­ri­to­ries.

The Mass­a­chu­setts At­tor­ney Gen­er­al first filed the law­suit against Pub­li­cis in 2021, ac­cus­ing Roset­ta, an ad agency that was part of the Pub­li­cis Health net­work, of work­ing “to get doc­tors to pre­scribe Pur­due’s opi­oids to more pa­tients, in high­er dos­es, for longer pe­ri­ods of time.”

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