Daphne Zohar, PureTech Health CEO

Q&A: PureTech CEO Daphne Zo­har talks biotech in­ter­ests on Capi­tol Hill

As the year is near­ing a close, law­mak­ers are still chip­ping away at spend­ing bills and a long to-do list of health pol­i­cy pri­or­i­ties that could come with some big changes for the biotech in­dus­try.

End­points News sat down with PureTech CEO and BIO board mem­ber Daphne Zo­har to talk about the biggest is­sues fac­ing biotech, what she urged law­mak­ers to pri­or­i­tize dur­ing re­cent meet­ings on Capi­tol Hill with BIO board mem­bers, and why she thinks biotech needs to be leg­is­lat­ed dif­fer­ent­ly than phar­ma.

Endpoints News

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