Blueprint for VectorBuilder Campus (VectorBuilder)

Qui­et CD­MO makes noise, throw­ing down $500M for man­u­fac­tur­ing cam­pus and mov­ing for­ward with Chi­na op­er­a­tions

Vec­tor­Builder can’t be con­sid­ered a qui­et Chica­go CD­MO any­more. Not af­ter fronting half a bil­lion dol­lars in its lat­est bid for ex­pan­sion.

The com­pa­ny, Vec­tor­Builder, is build­ing a man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­i­ty and re­search in­sti­tute across the Pa­cif­ic in Guangzhou, Chi­na, the com­pa­ny said yes­ter­day in a press re­lease — and it’s go­ing to take two phas­es and four years to build and put to­geth­er.

No fi­nan­cial back­ers were list­ed in the re­lease.

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