Neumo­ra, Rayze­Bio ride on­to Nas­daq in IPO dou­ble­head­er, breath­ing life in­to fall list­ings

Two Phase III biotechs will join the Nas­daq Fri­day morn­ing, with ra­dio­phar­ma start­up Rayze­Bio and brain dis­ease drug de­vel­op­er Neumo­ra pric­ing their IPOs at $311 mil­lion and $250 mil­lion, re­spec­tive­ly.

Rayze­Bio and Neumo­ra wooed in­vestors dur­ing a rel­a­tive­ly icy IPO mar­ket, which is be­gin­ning to thaw as oth­er biotech star­tups are lin­ing up to go pub­lic. The Fri­day dou­ble­head­er — the sec­ond of its kind in re­cent months af­ter Apogee and Sagimet en­tered Wall Street on the same day in Ju­ly — could be a boon to oth­er pri­vate biotechs ea­ger to go pub­lic this fall, which is an­tic­i­pat­ed to be about 10 com­pa­nies, per in­dus­try in­sid­ers.

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