Kansas City Chiefs tight end and Pfizer spokesperson Travis Kelce (Cooper Neill via AP Images)

Ready for it? Pfiz­er taps Kansas City Chiefs star Travis Kelce for lat­est Covid boost­er cam­paign

Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce earned a big rep­u­ta­tion this week, and not just for a Sun­day NFL game ap­pear­ance by singer-song­writer Tay­lor Swift sit­ting in the stands next to his mom. The foot­ball play­er (and his mom) al­so star in the lat­est Pfiz­er ad cam­paign pro­mot­ing Covid-19 vac­ci­na­tions.

The new “Two Things at Once” cam­paign fea­tures Kelce get­ting his Covid-19 and flu shots at the same time, then get­ting in­spired to try oth­er things at once, such as flip­ping burg­ers while mow­ing the lawn and bench-press­ing an in­ter­view­er. Kelce is the lat­est celebri­ty to star in Pfiz­er’s Covid-19 pro­mo­tions, which have in­clud­ed TV per­son­al­i­ty Martha Stew­art, singer-song­writer Pink, Olympic swim­mer Michael Phelps and oth­ers.

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