Record lev­els of VC fi­nanc­ing and R&D boom left bio­phar­ma com­pa­nies clam­or­ing for space. How bad is it?

There are mul­ti­ple ways to mea­sure just how vi­brant the life sci­ence in­dus­try is: the in­flux of ven­ture cap­i­tal (now re­treat­ing slight­ly from a record high), the num­ber of new in­cu­ba­tors and star­tups and Big Phar­ma spin­offs (still go­ing strong de­spite slow­ing down), the M&A as well as part­ner­ship deals (mega­bil­lions in cash were ex­changed just last year), and so on. But one met­ric is par­tic­u­lar­ly help­ful if you want to track ac­tiv­i­ties on the ground, and that is re­al es­tate oc­cu­pan­cy.

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