George Yancopoulos (Brendan McDermid/Reuters/Alamy)

Re­gen­eron looks to George Yan­copoulos' R&D arm — and part­ners — in hunt for its next big cash cows

Re­gen­eron R&D chief and co-founder George Yan­copou­los has nev­er been shy about tout­ing the com­pa­ny’s re­search ca­pa­bil­i­ties — or am­bi­tions. But then, he’s al­so a stand­out in his field, some­one who can back up the bold talk with the rep he has built for herd­ing a block­buster group of cash cow fran­chis­es through the pipeline.

Dur­ing the big biotech’s quar­ter­ly up­date to­day, CEO Len Schleifer was on hand to tout their con­tin­ued mar­ket growth for Eylea — a $5.8 bil­lion be­he­moth with a Phase III read­out loom­ing for their 8 mg ver­sion — as well as the Sanofi-part­nered Dupix­ent with a big boost from a Covid-19 an­ti­body now side­lined by Omi­cron. But Yan­copou­los stole the show, en­thu­si­as­ti­cal­ly high­light­ing a range of ef­forts in the re­search group that has the po­ten­tial to cre­ate game-chang­ing med­i­cines that can gen­er­ate bil­lions more for the com­pa­ny.

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